Injury Rehabilitation

Injury Rehab

Most major injuries or surgeries require physical therapy. However, we are also here to assist you in your rehabilitation. We specialize in rebuilding any inconsistencies in your body that have resulted from overcompensating during the injury, or the inability to exercise after a surgery. These include muscle loss, loss of strength and mobility, or a decrease in stamina or endurance. Although injury rehabilitation is a process, in the meantime, we will make sure your body stays healthy and strong while you recover.

No matter the injury, big or small, the best personal trainer will develop a customized plan unique to your body’s needs. If your injury simply needs time to heal, we can create an exercise plan concentrating on other areas of your body. On the other hand, if it is a minor injury, we can slowly incorporate exercises to rebuild the area. Together, with a personalized fitness plan, we will make sure to take care of your health and body throughout the whole rehabilitation process.

New exercises that you add into your routine can also prevent injuries. Flexibility exercises can do amazing things to prevent future injuries. We will assess what areas need more flexibility and range of motion and we can add some simple flexibility exercises to improve those areas.

Our trainers have worked with all ages and body types and we know how to rehabilitate all kinds of physical injuries. Come into Pasadena Elite Fitness and talk to our trainers about how we can help you today!